Midwest Horse Fair 2023

HOOFDA will be attending the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison Wisconsin on April 14-16, 2023.
HOOFDA will be attending the Midwest Horse Fair, which is considered as one of the top 3-day horse fairs in America.
HOOFDA offers hand-drawn original art designs of hoofed animals that tells their heritage story such as the Icelandic Horse, Norwegian Fjord Horse, Swedish Dala Horse, North Dakota Badlands Horse, American Belgian Horse and more.
The Midwest Horse Fair is held annually at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been thriving since its inception in 1979. This year's fair promises to be even better than before as it continues to grow in size and popularity.
The Wisconsin Horse Council, Inc. owns the Midwest Horse Fair, and all proceeds from the event go back to the council. The funds are utilized to support the equine industry in Wisconsin by promoting leadership, education, service, and communication within the community. The council also takes an active role in advancing the future growth and development of the equine industry.
If you're attending the Midwest Horse Fair, don't forget to stop by booth number 1517-1518 to meet HOOFDA.
Midwest Horse Fair Event Information
- WHAT: Midwest Horse Fair
- WHERE: Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin
- WHEN: April 14, 15, 16, 2023
- EMAIL: info@midwesthorsefair.com
- BUY TICKETS: https://midwesthorsefair.com/store/tickets
- VISIT: https://midwesthorsefair.com